Sunday, December 21, 2008
My christmas Villages
I made these villages now two years ago and I still get excited about putting them out. I made them out of birdhouses that you can buy from Micheals. There is alot of detail on each of the villages. I shingled each roof with popsical sticks. On santas house and the blue house I added siding onto the houses that I got from a hobbie shop. On the church and the school house I bought these stucco mixes that came with stencels that I could put on the the villages to make the stone and brick look. I added doors to the blue house, school and gingerbread house. I also had my husband cut out holes in the back of each village so that I could add light. I spent many many hours to create these but it was well worth it as I will have them for years to come and hopefully to be kept as a heirloom one day.