
Thursday, March 14, 2019

Eucalyptus Rose Spring Wreath

Wow, dusting 6 years worth of cobwebs off this blog! This season of life is passing by at lightning speed. Enjoyed crafting up this new wreath! I love spring. It’s a symbol of new life and new growth! 

The wreath I made, ☝️was inspired by a wreath I saw at JoAnns fabric and craft store. I loved the idea but to me it lacked the look of a $60 wreath. I thought the flowers were too big and overpowered the whole look. It also needed a touch more detail. 👇

 While browsing around at JoAnns, I played around with a few different looks and was happy to find they had a plain Eucalyptus wreath that I could add roses of my choice to. I then found in the wreath section clusters of four roses and used 4 packs. To add a touch of detail, I used one small bunch of baby’s breath found in the floral section. Finally to hang the wreath I have found this  pretty eucalyptus white stripped ribbon. With coupons I saved $10 from the original inspiration wreath and made this one for $50. The roses have wired stems, so I just wired them into the twig wreath form  and glued for extra support. That’s it, super  easy!