
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Baked Chicken Taquitos

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Growing up and being half Mexican, fried beef taquitos were a staple! I could easily eat like 100 of them and never get sick of eating them! Still to this day anytime my mom makes them I can't just have a normal serving size. So I purposely never make those taquitos for my own family! Here is my alternative version of those taquitos that are healthier and just as satisfying without sacrificing any flavor!

Mix the two cans of chicken, salsa and taco seasoning together than scoop an 1/8 cup of chicken mixture onto tortilla and roll up

Bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes. Lightly sprinkle cheese on top and serve with 1 or 2 tablespoons of fat free sour cream

Two 10 oz cans of  chicken
8 oz bottle of  salsa
1/2 packet of taco seasoning
corn tortillas
fat free sour cream
shredded cheddar cheese

Nutrition info
3 taquitos per serving
306 calories 
5 grams fat
21 grams protein

linking up to
Permanent Posies

What did you make this week??



  1. YUMMY!!! love taquitos so much... am so starving with this post.. thanks for sharing.. kissess!!!

  2. Thanks for the nice comment on my blog - and I would be happy to link up my green peppers. Your baked Chicken Taquitos look deslish. I will definetely have to give them a try. I'm your newest follower. :)

    Have a great Thursday.

  3. Are you going to make me some and bring them over?? :)

  4. Oh my GOSH! I am dying, those look SO SO good! We went to a Mexican restaurant last night and bought flautas, these look tons like them and they were SO SO good! :)

  5. Great recipes!! Thanks for the invite!!


  6. I like that you can link up... I need to become more blog savvy haha... keep an eye open I have a pretty awesome giveaway coming

  7. Those Taquitos look great. I think I will put in a lettuce or cabbage wrap, since I am eating low carb :)

  8. Oh yummy!!! I will definitely be making these soon. Thanks for stopping by my blog - good luck with the new glasses! (Each Monday is a new post about life with glasses in our house) :)

  9. Your recipes all sound so delicious!!! The lettuce wraps look really good! Thank you for your kind comment on Harrison Home!

  10. This sounds so yummy and simple. Right up my alley!!!

  11. Thank you for visiting my blog! I am now following your blog and those taquitos look yummy! Have a great weekend!

  12. Yummo! These look so good! Thanks for stopping by, I am now your newest follower. :)

  13. Those taquitos look delicious! Thanks for the comment on my blog! I linked up a few recipes of my own =) Looking forward to trying some of the new recipes I saw today!

  14. Oh wow. These look uh-mazing! I am a sucker for Mexican food...
    XO - Marion

  15. Thank you so much for stopping by!
    I love taquitos! I have to try your recipe!

  16. Oh these look AMAZING and easy! I am pinning this so I remember to make them soon!

  17. Yum! These look really good! I pinning it to try later!

  18. I cannot wait to try these, they look fabulous!
