
Monday, August 27, 2012

Back to school

It is finally time! School is back in! Ok its all bittersweet. I know I am crazy but I actually  love all the preparation, fighting the crowds and finding all deals  for back to school shopping. Though having to drop a crap load of cash on clothes and school supplies is my least favorite! Definitely one of my most expensive months along with December! As much as I like having all my kids home, I do love having  the structure of a school routine, busy, busy, busy but GOOD! I seem to somehow  get more accomplished.
   This weekend I also took my sister who is now a senior in high school shopping, than we did our nails  along with my little niece who is going into middle school! Crazy how these kids are growing up so fast!! My boys are now in 5th and 2nd grade!  I can't believe I  am gonna have a middle schooler next yr! I am starting to feel old!

                          My kid HATE pictures, but really they were exited for the 1st day of school.

Kind was going for the Ombre look using my chevron pattered image nail plate from the Monster Bundle set. Wished I would have taken a pic of my nieces nails. They were cute too!


  Linked to-mani mondaythe nail filesfabulousbutevil


  1. oooo I love your nails! So cute, the nail plates are really nifty, where did you get them?

  2. 1st day of school is always so exciting! Your nails are really cute and I'm also loving anything ombre:):)

  3. What a stunning mani! I am loving the design and colour choice!!! Turquoise/aqua is my fav!!! :)

  4. I love them! They look ombré and that's so in now! ;) Visiting from Mani Monday!

  5. This looks AWESOME! When I first saw it I was like "how in the world did she do this". Stamping, of course! I really need to get into that...everyone's always turn out so great!

  6. This is so cool! I've never seen another mani like this! I love the gradient-so pretty(: Visiting from the Mani Monday linkup xoxo

  7. the boys look so cool! :) and I love your nails!

  8. Very cute nails. I have a stamping kit as well and this is giving me so much motivation to use it!

  9. What colors did you use? I really want to do this and I want the colors. Please??

  10. للتخلص من مشكلة الحشرات التي تعاني منها في منزلك قم بالتواصل مع شركة مكافحة حشرات بالاحساء المتخصصة التي تقوم بالقضاء على الحشرات بأحدث الوسائل
